
- AMMIN. 11 L

- AMMIN. 11 L

AMMIN. 11 L is an excellent nutritive formulation obtained through hydrolysis of proteins and composed by amino-acids, peptides and polypeptides and specific coadjuvant elements.

Its strong efficiency is due to:
- its high contents in free amino-acids with low molecular weight which allow the maximum utilization of the product thanks to the quick absorption from the plant, roots and leaves.
- penetrating substances having strong activity in the roots and leaves.

Thanks to its special formulation, AMMIN. 11 L acts by increasing the germination and resistance of the pollen grains and the increase of the pollened tube.
The compounds having phytostimulating and chelating action, which are naturally present in the utilized raw materials, stimulate the growth and the development of the plant when the same is subjected to heavy efforts such as during blossoming, growth, development, after pruning etc. At the same time they are of vital help when the plant is suffering or suffered some stress: frost, dryness, phytotoxic effect due to pesticides and they have a regenerating action after a high action.

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